In Turkana

In Turkana

Friday, 25 May 2012


Before beginning writing this post, I had a meeting with myself. You see, as a man from Nyeri, though with Kiambu paternity, so much ridicule I risk facing by declaring I am a ‘Nyerian’ too. If you still do not know why, I suggest you acquaint yourself better with Kenyan news for the past few months.

You see, this particular region from whence our country’s president hails from has faced a substantial number of domestic violence cases that are unique; the beatings and abuse is meted on the men. Now, stereotyping is practised the whole world over and the common one is Nyeri women are tough while their male counterparts are timid. And that is indeed false.

I remember being told during my initiation that real men never hit a woman. Upon enquiry, I was told that only cowards do so. I guess a man should take such good care of his lady, such that no chance for a fight would come up. And thinking about it more, it does make a huge amount of sense though it may not do so to many men especially those from our lovely continent; Africa.

It is a well known fact that traditionally, not just in Africa but even in ancient civilizations, the man had some specific and exclusive roles to carry out. As a Christian, my supreme authority is the Bible and it mirrors really well in Ephesians 5:25 ‘…Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her…’ Personally, I take the word ‘Love’ as more of a verb and less of a noun! It’s about action and Love manifests itself more with what we do than what we say. Words are important too!

I have a hypothesis that might not be completely factual but which holds much water. Not so long ago, boys were cherished by communities more. They got the best education and jobs and later in their homes, had the liberty to mistreat the women. This because livelihoods depended on them.  Fast forward and after the empowerment of the ‘girl child’, we have homes that truly lack a leader.

This is a socio-religious problem that needs addressing soon. The previous verse in the above quoted scripture declares ‘…Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything…’. Before the ladies stone me, this is what I honestly believe; Men should take responsibility, take care of their homes by especially loving their wives to the point they’d be willing to die for them. As of women, even if you earn ten times more than your man, give him the respect he deserves just as God would like you to.

To cut the long story short, and I am serious about this, I would not harshly condemn a scorned woman if she rained blows on  her man if he’s  drunk and there is no food on the table and school fees for the children! Maybe even hand her a rungu, but definitely not a machete!!!

Lovely weekend to you amazing reader. I remain, Njabia the 3rd.

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