Where is that Rascal? |
Amazing reader, how art thou? Hoping all is
well in your world. If you are familiar enough with Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, then you
may be in the know of the latest and probably best statue to commemorate a past
hero of this great nation; yeah the almost perfect remake of Tom Mboya just at
the center of the city, adorned in full African regalia with flamingos complimenting the landmark, just like in his native Rusinga island home. A tranquil place
with designated seats for use by the public that for a few minutes turned into a
scene of chaos and almost murder. This was sometime back as I waited for an acquaintance along Nairobi's Moi Avenue.
I wonder if he survived... |
Prior to that incident I am about to
narrate, the whole country was shocked and left in a daze after an innocent
pastor in the Coastal town of Mombasa, together with a colleague had been
brutally murdered in public after being confused for criminals. All that
happened in daylight as a mob baying for their blood had broken the 6th Commandment
and taken away their lives in cold blood. I remember feeling pity on the man of
the cloth’s wife as she was too shell-shocked to accept what had befallen the
father of her children and a shepherd of the human flock who worshiped at the
Mombasa Melchidizek church of Buxton.
Back at the Nairobi incident, a similar
occurrence almost unfolded before my eyes. This petty thief and a dumb one I
have to say; had the nerves or rather stupidity to try and snatch a woman’s
handbag at the bus stop adjacent to the 3 star Hotel, The Ambassadeur. A place ever teeming with people, both
departing and boarding buses for certain Nairobi destinations and an awful lot
of unoccupied mortals; either idle or awaiting someone. A single blood-cuddling
shout of alarm from the victim-to-be was enough to spring hordes of men into
action, chasing the man as he crossed the few roads and into the reception of
the Hilton Hotel for deliverance as he knew, just like you may know, the proverbial
40 days for a thief had come to a close.
The loss of a loved one pains to the core |
The crowd baying for his blood were able to
inflict enough beating to just about leave his life hanging by a thread and a
few more minutes would have effectively reduced the world’s population by one
was it not for the arrival of the police. He was whisked away but how lucky
because hundreds more have lost their lives in similar circumstances.
As a kid, one of the most eerie moments
were coming across a scene with a burnt tire; all the way that just wires
showed and some bones of a thief burnt to death, with the aid of the said tire
and petrol. Personally I know of two individuals, one killed by an angry mob
after being cornered after some stealing exploits and another shot to death by
police who opted not to capture and try him in court. These were both young men barely out of their teens and by virtue of personally knowing them, I stand on the side opposing 'mob justice'. I put it in quotes as that is no justice at all.
Jesus: He who is without sin, throw the first stone. (All flee) |
Probably, you've seen how mob justice is
meted and you may be on either side of the divide. Having property that you've worked hard for stolen or harm inflicted on you is a great boost to participate
in mob justice but please, I beseech, that person crying out for mercy could be
your relative, close friend or future spouse…before throwing that stone and
splattering blood and brains all over, take a thought and allow compassion for
fellow man to override the anger and rage of the moment. There are laws of the
land, made to deal with such, and a God above, who declares vengeance to be
Thank you for your few minutes, wonderful
reader. Till next time, I remain Njabia
the 3rd.